so far behind!

i've posted these pictures all over, but this is the page i made for ella's locks of love. i'm still SO proud of her. she looks so beautiful! i used the kit Flower Frenzy by Betsy Tuma for this page.
around here! we are heading back to iowa next sunday so we only have one week to be totally prepared for Christmas. ack! lol! hopefully in just a few minutes i'll be leaving to finish up getting a few gifts. then the girls and i are having a girls day out. they want to go antiquing! i'm so excited! ella and i went together this summer and she really loved it. i have a feeling it's not really anna's cup of tea, but she doesn't want to be left out. the mall with a huge justice store is on the way home, though, so we'll probably be stopping there too. i can't wait! it will be a much needed break from our routine.
anna has another science starter due before we leave, and ultimately it needs to be done early so she can give her presentation too. those of you whom i know in real life have heard aaaaaalll about the science starter from last time. lol! but basically she gets a book about science and has to write 10 vocabulary words and 10 important facts from the book, and then give a 5 minute presentation with a display and/or experiment. if she was just going for a passing grade she could just do 3 minutes and 5 vocab and 5 facts, but in her mind that's not really an option. i am proud of her for that, but 10 and 10 and 5 whole minutes can be a bit overwhelming. i know it's all going to be so helpful for her in the end, though.
anna's class is also doing a service project this year. they are all learning to knit. they are all knitting squares that her teacher will turn into blankets and donate to shelters. i'm really impressed by how well some of them are doing! almost everyone is catching on now that we've been doing it for a few days. wilson and i have been going in to help every morning. it's been good for him too. he's finally starting to make friends with a few of the kids. they had pajama day on friday and his monkey Christmas jammies were a huge hit. lol!
as i'm sure you can tell, ella isn't getting any attention. if you don't believe me just ask her. lol! it has been hard for her to see me get involved with anna's class and not hers. i know i will have an opportunity to help her class too, but it's hard for her to realize that will happen. so wilson and i have gone to lunch with her and i've given her a few extra snuggles here and there. but of course, it's e, so she still feels like the forgotten middle child. bless her heart! lol!
how bad is it that i only update my blog around the holidays?! lol! that's about to change, though, because soon i'll have a lot more to blog about. i was chosen to be part of the digital creative team for two peas in a bucket! i am so excited to help contribute more to the scrapbooking website that has been such a huge part of my life for so many years. i know it might sound strange that a website is a huge part of my life, but to me it's been so much more than just a scrapbooking website. through it i've made life long friends. not all of us even scrap anymore, but we still all email each other daily and get to see each other in real life quite often. now i'll be getting to know even more wonderful women and i'll get to showcase some of the new digital scrapbooking kits from my favorite designers at two peas! i'm really excited to be a part of such an amazing team!