happy memorial day
i'm done!!! i've FINALLY finished going through the 1200+ pictures i took along with my brother's fiance mandy. she was an amazing assitant - i wouldn't have gotten through without her! so, without further ado here is the link to the flickr album with the pictures - diana and andy's wedding. you don't need to be signed in to flickr to look at them - they shouldn't have any restrictions. but if there are please let me know - i may have missed changing the permissions on a few. here are a few of my favorites.
i think you can tell andy's trying to hold back the tears. not very successfully, i might add! :)
the limo driver supplied us with a huge umbrella. i wish i had thought to have brought a few for the group shots! i was so worried about getting the bottom of diana's dress wet, though.
i had fun with the detail shots...
diana looked so beautiful!!!
this picture just makes me giggle. my dad always sticks out his tongue when he's thinking. lol!
they finally got it figured out and are looking GOOD!
my mom looked beautiful too. this picture is with her aunt (my great aunt) margie and her husband dean. it was so great that they could make it to the wedding! unfortunately they were trying to follow the caravan to the reception hall and got lost along the way. we didn't see them for the rest of the night. we were a bit worried! thankfully they had just decided to head on to their hotel instead.
i hope i did the day justice! i loved being able to do this for them, but it was kind of stressful. i'm just praying the prints turn out ok and everyone's happy. i still have so much to learn but i did the best to my capabilities, i think. congratulations again, andy and diana!
he has a little temperature and a random rash. it's really getting in the way of his social life. he didn't get to enjoy the beautiful weather we had today and he sat at the window asking for "aba" and "ewi" for quite awhile before he finally gave up and let me read to him. we're trying to keep him from doing this too much since the girls' last days of schools are almost here and we don't want him to share his germs. poor bub!
congratulations, kelly!!! i've been so honored to be a part of it kit. i still can't believe it's already been a year! be sure to go check out the it kit studio blog for a chance to win a free kit! denise made some beautiful tags that are included in the june kit. (i'm saving them for one of my project for next month - i wanted to do them justice and i ran out of time.) in honor of her tags she's offering free shipping at her etsy shop. she has the most adorable lamp stickers and i used one in mimi and papa's room in my little house.
i had so much fun with this little house! i was inspired by claudine hellmuth's amazing artwork. claudine was featured on martha stewart awhile ago. marth's site has some free clothing templates available for download here. i had to expand the tummy of the dress on tall anna since she's 20 weeks pregnant. she and john have the book "what to expect when your expecting" on their coffee table (with the cubs hat and the sears tower replica). mimi and papa have flowers and a country home magazine on theirs. i had printed out a tv remote on there but ella thought it looked like lip gloss for some reason and i have yet to find it 3 days later. i think you can tell what most of the goodies are on our floor, except the hannah montana cd is hard to see in this picture. i still need to do pages for mandy and chuck and diana and andy. i forgot to print pictures of lola and jack and i was working down to the wire so i'll have to finish those a bit later. after i finish editing wedding pictures. (i'm trying, diana and andy! i'm sorry it's taking sooo long! don't look at my card too closely because it's probably for you!)
sorry! we've had a great 7 days since i last posted. mimi and papa came to visit. i got to go shopping with mimi and on a date with kurt. unfortunately kurt had to work mother's day, but the kids gave me the sweetest gifts - beautiful artwork and sweet pictures from both girls. kurt got me an ipod that i can't wait to get to use. monday i got the afternoon to work on my it kit projects. such a gorgeous kit this month!!! and today is the 1 year anniversary of it kit. yay!!! we got some great news from mandy and uncle charley. they are getting married next may!!! congratulations!!!!
the kids are all doing great. not much longer until school is out! anna is a little sad about school ending, but i know she'll be glad to get to wake up whenever she wants. of course as all kids do she only has a hard time getting up when she HAS to get up, otherwise she rarely sleeps in. ella is so glad that sundress season is finally here. she has grown up so much in the past few weeks. she's starting to be a little more outgowing and not quite as shy around people she doesn't know. around those of us she does know she's still kind of grumpy sometimes. we're working on that. wilson is learning a ton of new words lately and talks NON-STOP. lol! he suddenly learned a little fear, but of all things he is suddenly afraid of bugs. don't know where he got that from! ;) he saw our buzzing bee book in the bookcase and he jumped back and jumped around pointing at the bookcase and screaming bee! bee! bee!!! we had to take the book and hide it from him he was so afraid. the bug guy came on wednesday so we had a few stray belly up spiders and he was freaked out by those too.
well shoot, i had more funny kid stories to document but my brain isn't awake yet and i'm not feeling very witty. lol! maybe after some caffeine. :)
the saturday before last the girls and i had a FUN day of shopping. we hit limited too and the children's place, finding fun cute out fits, swimsuits and flip flops. it just happened to be webkinz day, so we scored 2 free webkinz for each girl from our purchases, too. what fun! then we found ourselves at libby lu. the girls got glittery hair, mixed their own lipgloss and body splash, and got some CUTE free bracelets for joining the club. i was so impressed at how gracious the girls both were, even though there were 100's of things they wanted to buy at the store. it was so fun to get to stroll hand in hand with them through the mall.
well, fast forward to last saturday. the girls convinced kurt into taking them back to libby lu. this time it did not go so well. the girls gave kurt a hard time about wanting to buy more and more stuff. unfortunately for them their dad is not as easily swayed as their mom when it comes to shopping. they left the store in tears (although i'm more than sure they were fake). guess maybe libby lu really IS just a girl thing, huh? :) they did get to make one more mix of stuff, and anna chose to do a face mask. here we are on saturday night. :)