As many of you know, my sweet, wonderful, amazing friend Becca suffers from diabetes. Her passion and dedication to the JDRF is undescribable. She's such an inspiration. I pray ever day that she works herself out of a job. Please read her blog here http://becauseineedacure.blogspot.com/ Here is the link for my walk fundraising page - http://walk.jdrf.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=extranet.personalpage&confirmid=87385227 Please consider donating. Every dollar helps get us closer to a MUCH needed cure.
Holly Koenigsfeld is walking with Team Smith-Sutton on August 1, 2009 in Omaha, NE.
Hello! This year, I'll be taking part in JDRF's Walk to Cure Diabetes, along with one-half million other walkers across the country, as we try to reach our goal of raising $105 million.
Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes, is a devastating disease that affects millions of people - a large and growing percentage of them children.
There is some good news, though. For the first time, scientists are predicting that we CAN expect to see a cure well within our lifetime!
Now, more than ever, you can make a crucial difference. Won't you please give to JDRF as generously as possible? Together, we can make the cure a reality!
what is that again? i've thought of SO many blog posts in my head, but by the time i check my email and play a game or two on facebook it's time for me to run and do something else. we're trying to get settled into our new home in dc. kurt started his job yesterday and they made him jump in with both feet! he didn't get home until 6:00, and his head was swimming with all of the new information he needs to soak up. welcome back to the real world, mr. koenigsfeld! lol! i have to admit it was a bit hard for me to get back to the real world too. we all got so used to have kurt home at 3 pm. i found my patience running thin around that time, and we still had 3 hours to go. help! lol!
today is ella's birthday! i can't believe our princess ella sparkle is turning 6! i think she's having a pretty fun day. we've already made friends with some new neighbors - a boy ella's age and a girl anna's age. of course ella is taking awhile to warm up to the boy, but the three girls seem to be having a great time together. ella's decorations were hannah montana themed. not exactly my first choice, but oh well! lol! i've taken a few pictures, but i haven't had a chance to upload any yet. maybe someday i'll catch up!
speaking of catching up, i still have a few more pictures from mandy and charley's wedding to upload too. we had such a great time! everything was so beautiful!
my birthday was 10 days ago and i was surprised by the most beautiful bouquet from my bagel girls. they are just the most thoughtful and wonderful friends! i miss them so much!
ok - i'm being asked to take pictures at the fashion show the girls are putting on now, so i better run. i know i always end with this, but hopefully i won't take so long to post again next time! lol!