
pooley's pumpkin patch...

well i keep calling it that, but it was more of a farm i think. they did have pumpkins and a big pumpkin patch area, but we must have waited until too late in the season because there weren't many left. unless we were looking in the wrong place, which is entirely possible. wilson was in total awe of everything there. it was so cute! except that he was running around like a mad man, and wow, is he FAST! the morning started off chilly, so we started off all bundled up. but of course it got warm, so as i was chasing wilson i was also juggling jackets, money, and of course our "treasures" to take home - bare corncobs, walnuts, rocks, dandelions, important stuff! i almost always bring a big bag but not yesterday. oh well! hee!

the kids all had a great time. anna is such a sweetie, always so gentle and kind to the animals and all of the little kids there. she's getting so brave, too! she was a little nervous picking up the chicks at first, but she just kept trying until she figured it out. and she didn't even hesitate to get up on the pony. she's growing up so much!

ella liked everything too, i think. she was very quiet and reserved the whole day. i wonder if she's sick?! lol! no - i think she does get nervous and shy in new situations. and there were quite a few strangers around. she's definitely going through a stranger hating phase.

wilson. hee! he is learning his animal sounds so they were having great conversations. and when ever he gets excited he says, "ooo!" so that's why he's making that face in so many pictures. lol! a lot of the animals were licking his fingers and that was making him belly laugh each time. he must have loved the pigs, because all afternoon he was going around snorting just out of the blue. he's so funny.

we were all so worn out at the end of the day, but yet no one wanted to leave (except me. ;) ) i think we're all still kind of tired. here's hoping for a kind of relaxing morning so we can all catch up on some rest.

(ps - the pictures looked great before i saved them as jpg, and now some are not half as crisp and some are grainy. i know jpg does wonky things, but usually not that wonky! well and for the first few i had my iso cranked from the last time i took picts. whoops! i'll have to use a little noiseware on them later. and hee - click on the big picture to see more. i can't figure out how to embed the album without it being a slideshow now.)


Anonymous said...

These pics are so beautiful Holly--and you're right: your kids are growing up! Which makes me sad AND happy--you know?


Anonymous said...

Great pics Holly! :)
I miss those days where everything was "new"! :)

Anonymous said...

love the pics!