
locks of love...

anna donated her hair to locks of love. she had a 10 inch ponytail, and had 11 inches cut all total. she loves her new hair! but it took awhile for her to get to that point. she was quite upset friday and saturday. in fact she threw quite the tantrum at the hair salon, and even suggested i should try to sew her ponytail back on. friday night she declared she wasn't going to leave the house until it grew back, or at least for a whole year. some time saturday afternoon she must have caught a good look at herself in the mirror, though, and decided she loves it! phew!!!! she was still pretty nervous to go to school today. but everyone in her class loved her hair (except kennedy. lol! i think kennedy just has a bit of a hard time adjusting to change.) i think she's going to really love not having kurt and i yank on her tangles any more. i love it too! except it does make her look quite a bit older. :( she's growing up too fast!

wilson had his first hair cut too. sarah gave him a squirt bottle and he did such a good job of sitting while she cut his hair. that was pretty amazing considering anna was still bawling and carrying on. he's quite the handsome little man! :) ella had her hair trimmed too, but to be honest i'm not sure if this is before or after. lol! after anna's reaction she wasn't really up for much change. lol! happy monday!
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Jana said...

Hi Holly! Found your blog link on Kelly P's and wanted to come by and say hello. :-) Hope all is well with you and that your 2008 is off to a wonderful start!!

kelly said...

anna looks JUST like you!!! she looks so cute with her short hair...she should be proud to donate it :)

and wilsie and ella are adorable too. they crack me up!

Anonymous said...

So cute! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE Anna's new 'do! LOVE IT! But you're right...it makes her look pretty grown up. : (

Everyone looks so great--what a good start to a new year!

And CONGRATULATIONS to Anna for doing something so worthwhile--proud of you!
