
relaxing weekend...

i have to admit i am quite a bit jealous of all of my friends in anaheim this weekend for cha! but we had a great, relaxing weekend at home too. lots of pajama wearing, blankie snuggling, book reading and cartoon watching. we spent a lot of saturday in the toy room downstairs playing in the pretend kitchen. the kids and kurt went to the mall and brought home new crocs. we almost never go to mass on saturday night but we tried this weekend and sure enough there was another event going on. so wilson and i had to stand in the back most of the time. well he is a good boy in church but he just gets so excited and when he's excited he's so noisy! hee! in the back of church he flirted with an adorable 18 month old little girl. he likes the ladies! ;) he and an older gentleman also talked stocks and bonds. hee! kurt made us a delicious breakfast on sunday morning. i think the pictures explain the rest of the day, besides a short play date and some shoe shopping later in the day. :) and note that i took at least 10 pictures in a row of all three of the kiddos together and i only managed to get them all looking once and ella had her tongue sticking out! ack! hee! ;)


doris sander said...

yay for a relaxing wknd!! they are cutie patooties!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Your layout in April's booth looked AMAZING : )
I was so happy to see Mr. Wilson smiling back at me! : )
I had Laurie take a picture and I'll get it to you! : )

Anonymous said...

I love my crocs too. Mason has a cheapy pair from Wal~Mart in lime green, they did not have Coles Size there but, found him those same red white and blue ones at payless for $5 bucks alot less then the real crocs at Academy that he had wanted but of course the $5 ones did not fit so I still have them from last summer sittin in a box waitin to be worn.
Margaret in Sanantonio