
weekend happenings...

sunday we took wilson to his first baseball game - the omaha royals were hosting the albuquerque isotopes. everyone had a great time! wilson always loves to clap along whenever anyone else is clapping - whether in person or on tv. the girls enjoyed the game too - ella was really quiet and just took it all in and anna was busy trying to learn all of the rules of the game. we made a quick stop at the zoo afterwards.

this morning the girls were in such a good mood! we bought them matching pink nightgowns and ella said it was her new favorite. they colored together, said they love each other, and even let me take their picture!!! never fear, though. they started bickering and arguing about 10 minutes later. lol! really most of the time they get along so well. i wouldn't think they were normal if they didn't argue every now and then. ;) ooh and ella declared that really she didn't like her new pj's and wanted to go back to her old pink nightgown. i tried!!!!


kelly said...

your pics are so cute, holls!

lisa truesdell said...

fun fun FUN weekend!!!!! love little willsie w/ daddy.. so sweet. =)