

the antique show in walnut, iowa was today. i met mimi there and we shopped until we dropped! it was HOT and crowded, but we had SO much fun!!! we got there right around 8. we made a beeline to our new favorite vendor - thanks to becky for reminding us about her. we sat and watched the vendors unload the truck. people were snatching things up as they came off! we ate lunch right across the street from their booth, and there weren't a lot of things left at all! in fact after lunch we felt like a lot of the booths were picked over. but we were sooo tired and hot that maybe our opinions were skewed. it was a FUN day for sure!!!

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doris sander said...

ooooooh . . . aaaaaaaah . . . antiquing! and the wilsie bye bye bink story is too TOO funny! :D

Anna said...

Those are really awesome finds Holly! Next time I will have to join you and Mimi.

Anonymous said...

you found some great stuff holly! so glad i got to see you and your sweet mom!

gabbyfek said...

you got some goodness!
i am pretty jealous....