
happy birthday ella!!!

i'm a few days late - it was july 1. we were at grandpa k's for the weekend. aunt lisa, aunt debbie and uncles cory and toga helped throw together a great party! she LOVED all of her presents and of course her barbie cake. everytime she opened a present she gasped with excitement. she is so cute! i can't believe she's already 4. she's growing up soooo fast!!!


Mrs. Hoffman said...

Happy Birthday Ella!! I can't believe you are already 4 years old. I still remember hogging all of the snuggle time with you when you were first born. Your Uncle John and I can't wait to see you next week! Yay!
Aunt Tall

doris sander said...

awwwwwwww . . . she is so sweet . . . happy birthday ella! four . . . ack! g's going to be four in a few more mos . . . how'd they get that old already? that blowing out the candles pic is fabulous! you've got serious skills holly! :D