

real men wear flowers in their ear, right? lol! this is the one he "took care" of in the grocery store. ;)

flower boy

flower boy2

you could say we're a bit curious george obsessed. we are watching george on tv, painting a picture of him, wearing a george tshirt, and those yellow books under the tv (the blurry rectangles) are all george books too.


he is also obsessed by the computer lately. kurt and i are in awe of how he can move the laptop mouse with his right hand but click with his left. we can't even do that! he's a pro at navigating the sesame street, webkinz, and of course the george website. he really wants to do disney channel and fun brain like his sisters, but he hasn't figured out how to read and do math problems. yet. lol! i laugh, but it's so hard sometimes because he REALLY wants to play those but he gets so frustrated!


most days we make our fisher price little people village by setting all of our pieces up around the family room. (thanks again aunt debbie for adding to our collection!) i have to giggle, though, because almost every day when we're done playing wilson sets all of the chairs around our three tables and everyone "eats."


wilson begged and pleaded and cried and threw a tantrum (and had a timeout) because he wanted a brownie for breakfast. lol! i stood firm but he very stubbornly took one bite of toast and that was about it. we had a few grapes for snacks but he was still mad about the brownie. so finally by lunch he caved and ate A TON of 'sketti. and got his brownie for dessert.

brownie boy


doris sander said...

holly! those are the cutest pics ever!!! looks like you and wilsie are having fun while the girls are at school. :D

Margaret Spengler said...

Too funny, that brownie must of been real good. Love how he is wearing it LOL

Anna said...

Those are the cutest pics of Wilsie! I can't believe how different he looks already.