

well first, happy thanksgiving! we had a great day! we were invited to eat at our friends' house, so i didn't have much cooking to do. kurt cooked the turkey and i made stuffing and green bean casserole and that was all. since i'm used to hosting thanksgiving i didn't know what to do with myself! lol! so i made these pumpkin cream cheese muffins (without the pecans for the kids). yum!

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wilson loved everything! :) friday i did a little shopping. i didn't get up early and face the crowds like i usually do. it just wasn't the same without mimi. i did find some great bargains at dillards and i got to buy a new christmas tree! for the past 12 years we had a very cheap tree from target. it had brown tips that were supposed to stimulate pinecones. kurt and i bought it right after we were married. we had just found out he was going to be overseas over christmas so we rushed out and got the cheapest thing we could find. it was a little hard to let go of the old tree, but we love our new one. wilson seems to love it too. almost every morning when he wakes up and sees it he shouts, "Christmas!" as you can tell the girls took their decorating jobs very seriously. ;)




sorry for the dark, grainy pictures. i'm not sure if it's my camera or my lens. or user error! lol! my 50mm lens is really dirty and just not as sharp as it used to be. i've really abused it. i would love to upgrade to the 50mm 1.4. also, my camera battery just ran out tonight, and i've started to notice that my meter doesn't work very well right before my battery runs out (and these were some of the last ones i took). also it gets dark at 4:45 practically, so i'm having to crank up my iso. i bet they wouldn't be quite so grainy if i had the canon 40d. ;) i don't think that's in the budget, but a girl can dream, right? lol!


Anonymous said...

your kids look so big.
especially wilson!!!
makes me sad.
and I miss you.
(have I told you that lately?)


Bridgette said...

those pictures are making me hungry!
and wilson is so big!
love the girls' seriousness, and e and her jewelry. :)