
getting there...


here are a few pictures from the entry way of new house. it's about the only completed room of the house so far. kurt put up a few pictures and mirrors on saturday and that helped a lot! but things are just not as "just so" as i'd like them to be. we're getting close, though! i just have to hang a few butterflies and get a sunny day and the girls' room for be ready for photos. wilson's room is done for now. he'll be getting a big boy bed soon so i don't want to commit to too much in his room. our room has the most ackwardly placed windows! i think if i could figure that part out our room would be done. we have 2 things to hang in the duckie bathroom and that will be done too. oh - well - and maybe find a shower curtain? that might be nice! lol! we just have a liner for now. i have kind of a grand plan for one wall in the family room, but i'm still struggling with the shelving and the paneling. then there's the basement. ay yi yi. i am not good at moving!

ps - i should say that i never really feel like any room is ever completely done. once it's done i look at things and constantly rearrange and try to update the look. yes i do drive poor kurt crazy. lol!

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1 comment:

doris sander said...

oh so pretty holly! i love all the greens and neutrals!