
i've been tagged...

becky tagged me - so here are 8 random facts about me...

1. i secretly love most of the disney channel movies the girls are so into now: high school musical, the princess diaries, even (or especially) the made for tv ones like ice princess and right on track. and oh! princess diaries 2 (on now) was written by shonda rhimes! of grey's! so it can't be all bad, right? :D and speaking of really bad movies i love, the cutting edge is on that list too. :) i do love a few good movies too!
*eta - matilda is on tonight and the sound of music is on all labor day weekend. woohoo! :D

2. i love to read even more than watching movies. this summer i discovered goodreads.com. i haven't gotten to read nearly as much as i've wanted to, but i love getting to see what others like.

3. my first car was a 1969 camaro that has been in our family since it was new. i could beat everyone off the line at the red lights back then, except for the other guy in school who also drove a '69 camaro. i think he only beat me because his was an ss. ;)

4. in college i lived with 3 guys. but not like that! i was an electrical engineering student, and there were only 3 girls in my class, and one was married. we tried to have one of the other ones as a roommate for 1 year, but it ended badly. my roommates were great guys - very protective of me, almost as much as my 3 brothers are. we had TONS of fun too! :D

5. i still have 3 more? :P what else?... hee! well i'll default to the one everyone pretty much knows. i HATE birds!!! that's really on my mind today, because the zoo aviary has some new really pretty HUGE pink ones that ella just HAD to go in and see. half of those pink birds were perched on the exit doorway and the other ones were swooping at us! ok - well probably not swooping at us, but i was still freaked. lol! i think i hid my fear pretty well from the kids, but i did kind of race out the door fast. :)

6. back to tv. :) i watch soap operas. hee! my grandma and mom have always followed all of the shows on cbs. i am only keeping up with the young and the restless right now - they do take up a lot of time! it's fun to at least be able to talk about that one with my mom. i can usually imagine what gram would be thinking as i watch.

7. i can't cook. at all. i'm trying to learn, and i am finally learning how to cook a few rachel ray recipes, but for every one i succeed at i think i have at least 3 goofs. thank goodness for take out! :D

8. i was a ballerina. hee! i studied ballet, tap and jazz until i graduated from high school. i'm so excited that anna is going to start ballet and tap this year! i think there are so many benefits. I learned so much about discipline, confidence and grace from ballet. Not that I have that much grace, but imagine how much worse I'd be!

ok, so now i get to tag other people, right? ok! i tag:

kelly p




tall anna


( you're all welcome! ;) )


Anonymous said...

love your list! so fun to find out random facts about you :)

Anonymous said...

I will not come over this weekend if the Sound of Music is on. That is all.

doris sander said...

what a fun list . . . so creatively written . . . :D

Anna said...

I didn't know you hated birds that much. Heehee!

gabbyfek said...

swoopy birdies are the worst.
i suppose i need to do this now...