
just in case...

you've been wondering what ella's been up to while anna's at school.
she didn't know anyone was watching.
this concert when on for at least 15 or 20 minutes.
it was quite the song too!
i love her. :D

i took these pictures through our dirty window with the screen on.
so some of them are pretty grainy and dirty.
they were awful sooc, but i used one of mindy bush's actions on them.
and what a HUGE difference!
they just make editing pictures so much faster and easier.
i love her photo borders too!


Anonymous said...

dang. She is so cute... and she was quite "enchanted" at bagels this morning... so grown up and talking and sharing with the littler Ella! :)
I just adore her! :)

Anonymous said...

those shots of ella are priceless holly!

Denise Levy said...

Oh my... These might be the cutest photos I've ever seen! I *heart* her!

p.s. Little Ella carried around her pieces of notebook paper from Big Ella ALL DAY. :)

gabbyfek said...

she is so ELLA.
these pics are AMAZING.