

_MG_5412, originally uploaded by holly k 123.

it's finally here!!! it's kind of chilly and rainy so far this morning, but we're ready for fun!!! the end of the school year was so bittersweet for us. i'm not sure if i've mentioned this (probably only 500 times so far), but, as wilson says, "i no wanna" move. saying goodbye to teachers and friends was so hard, we've all been so blessed to find amazing schools and we're even more blessed by our sweet, wonderful friends. thank goodness we have most of the summer to play and have fun!

speaking of fun, becky invited all of the bagels to her house for dinner on thursday and we had a blast! becky made the most delicious chicken and salad and kelly and glue brought desserts that were sooo good. becky's house is full of her amazing photography and beautiful artwork and is shabby chic and just perfect. i always feel inspired by just being there. we had such a great time just hanging out and talking. i'm so blessed to have all of them.

this weekend kurt's sister deb and her family came for a quick visit. the kids were ready to party all night long! that kind of came back to haunt us on saturday at the zoo. we had some tired eyes and a wilson had quite a case of the crankies. it was a beautiful day and we had a great time, though!

this morning the girls slept until 8:30 (wilson was up at 6:15) and our neighbor came over in her pjs and we've already colored, watched sesame street, built with legos, played hulabaloo and now they're down playing house in the cool basement. i'm really looking forward to just hanging out and reading and doing all of the fun kid summer activities. speaking of reading, ella read her first full sentence last night. "a princess loves to dance." of course. ;) i'm so glad it's summer!







becky said...

fun zoo shots holly! i think that's one of the hardest places to get good shots. i loved that you were here last thursday :)

doris sander said...

fun times! love the gorilla pic! :D

Margaret Spengler said...

Those are some neat photos